Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Microsoft and a Bieber

I apologize for my long absence. If anyone still follows this blog :) I have been working for Microsoft Games again as a full time employee since January, and it has been awesome. I am currently working on an XBox live title and a mobile title as well. Very cool, they will be coming out soon, I'll let you know when to go buy them ;)
Life has been crazy, moving a family and starting everything up again. Quite the challenge I might say. I think we are a little more established now, so hopefully I will be posting a bit more regularly.

Here are a few pieces I have been working on for fun in the down time. Both will be auctioned off for a local charity event.

The wolverine was a quick fun project because I really couldn't get myself to paint otherwise. Still getting back into painting, this is great therapy :)

This one is for the tweens, my wife thinks I'm making fun of him. I might be...

More to come, enjoy!


stevesie said...

ooooh, i really like the bieber! so hot right now.

Ezra Lau said...

the blog that was dead has come back to life! great arts, maan

Anthony Holden said...

Good to hear from you again--and glad you guys are settling in!

Emil Hinkefent said...

Your a good artist!

-Emil "The Hollowpoint" Hinkefent