Sunday, April 18, 2010


I tried to get some fun lighting effects out of this one. I'm pretty happy with it. This was done in Photoshop. Enjoy.


Aaron Ludwig said...

Very cool. Great composition.

Lauren said...

I definitely like this one better than the original. WAY better. I like the clouds. And the sparklies. But I want more contrast in her dress...

P.S. I love you.
And yes, I just said "sparklies."

Lauren said...

I take back what I said about the dress. I opened the picture larger and it has all the contrast I need. I kind of looks like tree roots. :)

Tyson Murphy said...

my only critique is that it needs a horde of zombies climing up the cliff to eat her. other than that it's awesome!

Chelsea Stebar said...

EPIC. I dig.

Andrew said...

So how is your new baby?!!! I don't use facebook so make a post so I can know. let us know if we can do anything to help.