Friday, December 5, 2008

Eentsie Weency do you spell that?

This is my latest project for my 3d class. Another bug...I actually enjoyed this one though :) I can really feel myself breaking through the newbie wall. I find myself learning new stuff every day if I actually put my mind to it. Currently it is 1:30 AM and I am still in the lab...yeah it's late, but I feel like I was pretty productive, and I learned alot of stuff like binding skin to skeletons and the difference between an IK handle and and IK spline handle. It was a fun day. This was done in maya 10 and is still a work in progress. Enjoy!


Chelsea Stebar said...

Dude, those eyes are so creepy. We should definitely make a theoretical video game with this in it. It would be most terrifying.

Lauren said...

Nice. Way nice. However, if one of those should appear in my kitchen, you are definitely going to be the one to kill it. ...gross...

Kelsey said...

Everytime I see your work I'm amazed!
You have such a talent bruder!

Tyson Murphy said...

wow really really really nice job, jessface. may i steal your brain? just til i finish my bug?

Anonymous said...

I love the detail of the fur around the top of the head and eyes. They don't have any pupils??? Weird!! Love, Mom