I apologize for my long absence. If anyone still follows this blog :) I have been working for Microsoft Games again as a full time employee since January, and it has been awesome. I am currently working on an XBox live title and a mobile title as well. Very cool, they will be coming out soon, I'll let you know when to go buy them ;)
Life has been crazy, moving a family and starting everything up again. Quite the challenge I might say. I think we are a little more established now, so hopefully I will be posting a bit more regularly.
Here are a few pieces I have been working on for fun in the down time. Both will be auctioned off for a local charity event.
The wolverine was a quick fun project because I really couldn't get myself to paint otherwise. Still getting back into painting, this is great therapy :)

This one is for the tweens, my wife thinks I'm making fun of him. I might be...

More to come, enjoy!