Sunday, December 6, 2009

Emulation round 2

This is my second attempt at emulating other professional artists. This first is from the man who was behind the art style of Lilo and Stitch, the talented Chris Sanders. I won't link this guy because a lot of what he draws is women in bikinis. HOWEVER, I found his style incredibly appealing and I was told I should give him a try by a few of my classmates, so I gave it a shot with the squirrel. Another artist that has influenced many throughout the years is CRMK (aka Bengus). He mainly did work for Capcom as one of their premiere artists for Street Fighter and Dark Stalkers. His stuff is fantastic but more hard to find than most. You can find his stuff easily in all the art of street fighter books...but you have to find them. Anyway, the girl is a fun rendition of my wife in her Street Fighter form. She has a robotic arm because she loves to pound things into oblivion...mainly my shoulder when I am giving her a hard time :) Enjoy!

Sunday, November 29, 2009


This was a really fun assignment. We were asked to emulate another artist and design a character using their style. This guy is an assassin in the early 1900's. As you can see his normal cover is a saloon pianist. The artist that I attempted to emulate is Maël Gourmelen. I found his stuff on the character design blog and I loved it. His use of the line of action is second to none. He really helped me with clothing wrinkles as well. I also admire is daring use of watercolors in his designs. He leaves alot of his designs in the rough pencil stage to paint up and it gives the character some fun texture. So yeah, like it or not here it is :) Enjoy.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Animals take 2

This post comes to you from the exotic land of Alabama. I traveled without my trusty tablet so I had to resort to the unforgiving media of watercolor. This ifs for the second round of animals in my character design class. The Monkey has been raised by a street gang to do their dirty work. The goat wants to join the circus but the wont except her because she isn't a cool enough animal. The Badger has IBS when he eats meat so he can only eat veggies and he is very upset about it. That's the run down. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hero 2 and Animals!

Hey all, I have been crazy busy lately...seems to be a trend. Anyway here are the last couple bits of design and drawing I've been doing. The first is a redesign of my stereotypical hero. I tried to steer away from my typical style and emulate a graphic novel called "Lucha Libre" The artist who draws this style is called "Bill". The next couple are some animal designs for my character design class. I had a lot of fun with these. Anyway, all of these were colored with Photoshop. Enjoy.

Monday, November 2, 2009

One day, one very busy day

I finished three pieces today. Well mostly finished. It was a rough one but I got em done. I'm sure they all need a little tweaking, but this is the result of deciding to color these before I turned them in the next day. Enjoy.

Stereotypical hero:

Non-Stereotypical Hero:

Stereotypical Heroine:

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Non stereotypical?

Yeah this was a fun dive into another art style. Let me know what you think :) She is a non-stereotypical heroine for my character design class. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Check this out, Claire pointed this out for me the other day. Who does that look like? Oh yeah its totally me! By no means did I have any part of creating this model. It is the main character from the upcoming movie called Planet 51. Look it up. I smell a new avatar coming.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Muscles, I draws dem

Here are two Stereotypical characters for my character design class. Hero and Heroine, simple enough. I will shade these guys up and probably eventually paint them, we'll see when that happens. Done with Prismacolor pencils and ink. Enjoy.




This is the midterm for Joe Olson's Drawing for animation class. We had to take our toy assignment and turn it into something better. The theme was Steampunk + Vegetables. This is what I came up with. This is done with Prismacolor pencils, inks, marker and my new favorite thanks to Tyson Murphy...WATERCOLORS! :)

I also cheated with photoshop for this final look.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Happy Halloween

My wife, daughter and I decided to do a little pumpkin carving on sunday night and I wanted to do something different this year. So instead of carving one in the old fashion way, I decided to get a little crazy. Check it out.

Yeah, I consider this an epic fail but I had a lot of fun learning how pumpkin reacts to carving. I see why more people don't do this. It is supposed to be the floating zombie spaceman head from a couple posts back. It was a fun learning experience, but now back to the real work. Enjoy.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I found a bunch of stuff that I never posted in my old sketchbook. This stuff reaches back about months. Wow, I need to stay on top of things more. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Audrey 2 and a little life drawing

This is my second attempt at Audrey Hepburn. I stretched it a little bit more and I am alot more satisfied with this one. This took me forever because no matter how much I stretched her features, I still had to make sure she stayed semi-pretty. Whew. Anyway I thought i would throw on one of my figure sketches from work also. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


This is a quick Character Design assignment that I completed tonight. A caricature of a popular celebrity. I chose Audrey Hepburn because that lady had style. She was gorgeous and always had the sweetest hair. But nothing beats the lashes. My wife informs me that she had individual eyelash separator people that actually separated every one of her eyelashes from the others with a needle to give them the full look. Hey, it worked. That is the first thing i think of when Audrey Hepburn comes to mind. I regret not drawing her long ol' cigarette holder, but alas this is life. Enjoy

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Oh yeah

This is a piece that I did for Joe olson's class to the theme of "Bunny herders of the endless steppe". What you see is what you get on this one. The bunnies are really big on that there endless steppe. Nuff said. Enjoy!

Sneak Preview

These wont be turned in till tomorrow, so if you are a faithful follower you will get to see them today! These are an assignment that we have spent 3 weeks on. The first week we drew a silhouette of 4 themes, Spaceman, Butler, Female construction worker and Witch. These you will see in the top left corner. The next week we added whiteout to all of them to give them some interesting internal shapes and chose our favorites. These you will see in the bottom left. The final week, we were to render out a character according to those shapes and the big ones on the right are what I came up with. Let me know what you think. Enjoy!


Witch/ Warlock:

Female Construction Worker:


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Toy design round 2

I am taking Joe Olson's drawing for animation class this semester. It rocks my socks and I recommend it to everyone who has the chance to take it. This is a toy design after the style of the "Urban Vinyl" genre. Look it up, they're pretty sweet. Anyway if you remember my little gangster dude I drew back a million years ago, that was my first attempt at this assignment. This is my newest attempt, and I'm pretty proud of it. The theme was "devonian or precambrian lifeform". Yeah it looks like the fish has splattered on the ground, but as Brandon, one of my buddies pointed out, it looks like he was laying on the ground with his mouth down and he sneezed with a big "pthbtbtbtbtbt" sound. Yeah I like that better too. Enjoy

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Finally a new post!

Hey all, I am back from the summer and working full speed ahead on school and part time for Avalanche (hopefully. still waiting on confirmation). I have been sketching/ designing characters like mad and basically just trying to stay awake during the day. Here is a little taste of my character design class.

This character is a study of rock, and plants. We were supposed to design a character using these elements and this is what I came up with. Pencil, ink and marker.

This guy was created out of a shape. If you look at his outline that was the shape that I sketched, I was supposed to draw 20 shapes, choose one and put a character inside of it. This is what I came up with. Pencil, ink and marker.

More to come! When I get my scanner fixed I will be feeding you with a constant flow of my attempts at good art! Enjoy

Thursday, August 20, 2009

More updates

Sorry, still no art going up, just updates from my project. I wish I could be a little bit faster on this one :)

This is alot of fun, but I am learning a whole lot about where I am lacking. Dont worry, most of the terrain is just blocked in shapes and is most definitely not final. The textures are not final I have along way to go.


Monday, July 27, 2009


Here are a few shots from my current intern project. I am still nailing down the layout of everything. I need to start working on this at home so I can get it done before my end date comes up. Anyway here are a few progress shots, nothing special :) Enjoy

P.S. I promise some more drawings in the near future. It is all a matter of getting a scanner to work.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Hey all! I am still alive, I promise. I have been working at Disney interactive/ Avalanche for a couple weeks now. Here is an example of stuff that I work on. This will not be in a game or anything, this is more of a personal project. It is a work in progress, so It doesnt look amazing yet :) I have alot more sketches to post up here also so give me a little bit. Work at Avalanche has been very educational. I am stoked to learn more from some of the best in the game industry. Wish me luck! Enjoy.

Update: Some lights and a bump map help bring out the 3-dimensionality to it.